We’ve also seen Moore play a Silvertone post-Sonic Youth. Some of the most notable budget-centric guitars that saw action included Lee Ranaldo’s pink Fernandes Strat copy, the East German Musima Eterna that Moore and Gordon both played. Of course, as with the vintage Silvertones and pawnshop Harmony holdovers, success inflates the prices and the now ubiquitous presence of the Fender offset is in no small part down to Sonic Youth’s influence on the wider alt-rock culture.
That’s partly why Jazzmasters and Mustangs entered the picture they were cheap. That’s why the gear theft of ’99 was so debilitating. Guitars: Fernandes FST Strat copy, Fernandes Native Pro, Hopf Telstar Standard, Musima Eternaīecause of the many alternate tunings they used on a song-to-song basis, Sonic Youth needed guitars and lots of them, so they were not set up to tour without loading some cheaper guitars onto the boat. (Image credit: Jim Steinfeldt/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images)