LIFE METRO ADAPT aims to mainstream adaptation strategies and measures in the development of a territorial plan for CMM and in the planning and building rules of the 134 CMM municipalities. The Paris Agreement, along with the new Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, recognises that urban centers have a crucial role to play in the adaptation process. This area has a high number of hot days and consecutive dry days and the NPA forecasts indicate that it is likely that the number of summer days will increase along with winter precipitation. In line with this EU priority, Italy adopted its National Adaptation Plan in 2017, with emphasis on the Po Valley, where the territory of the Città Metropolotina di Milano(CMM)is located. The European strategy on climate change adaptation of 2013 promotes actions in Member States to adapt to climate change through a range of guidelines, studies and tools. It will experience a notable increase in temperature, stress on water sources and extreme weather events. Southern Europe is particularly vulnerable to the impact of climate change (the Mediterranean basin in particular), according to most climate models.